Monday, September 26, 2011

Pastor's Pulpit

What a grand day we had yesterday! Thank the Lord for a number of visitors with us and several first time visitors. I announced last night that it is a wonderful thing when visitors bring visitors! Amen!
We had a lady saved yesterday morning, what a blessing. This lady had been to our church before and she was invited to hear her son-in-law sing a special, thank God for new converts and their enthusiasm.
I preached a simple message on Salvation yesterday. Here is the outline.

The Gospel is for Everyone

Mark 16:15   II Peter 3:9

The church's greatest need is revival. We can revival if we will pray. God still answers prayer. II Chron. 7:14 tells us that is need of our day. Don't give up on America! Just pray and see God do something in your life and church. The greatest concern of the church is the Great Commission. We need to be obedient to the will of God for the church. We are to take the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. It is the most wonderful story ever heard. Jesus died for our sins on the old rugged cross. He was buried in a borrowed tomb, He rose again the third day victoriously over the grave and over the world and the devil. The Bible says, " Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. "
Romans 1:16 tells us that we should not be ashamed of the Gospel, and that it is the power of God. The Gospel is for everyone. For the rich, the poor, the middle class, the upper class, and the no class! It is for all people and we are to try to reach as many as we can while we can. Why is the gospel so important?

I. The Gospel is Important because it is God's plan of salvation for sinful mankind.

It it the everlasting gospel according to Rev. 14:6. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. The message that Jesus preached was a message of redeeming love. ( John 3:16-17 ) God loves you today. Mankind is lost, because man is a sinner. ( Rom. 3:23 ) Because of one man, Adam, sin came into the world. ( Rom. 5:12 )  And because of one man, grace came into the world, ( Rom. 5:15-21 ) the only way you and I can be saved from hell is by the grace of God. ( Eph. 2:8-9 )

II. When the Gospel is preached, it changes lives.

When Jesus was on the earth, He reached every class of people. Zacchaeus, the tax collector, was a little man who couldn't see Jesus for the crowd.  ( Luke 19:4-10 ) Zacchaeus climbed that sycamore tree to see Him, and Jesus called him down and went to his house. Jesus saved him and he was a changed man. ( vs. 8-9 )
I love the story of Nicodemus in John 3. He came to Jesus by night. Jesus said to him, " Ye must be born again! " The message was the same to him that it was to everyone else. Nicodemus was born again. The gospel made the difference. Paul met the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus in Acts 9, and he was changed from  a persecutor to a preacher. The Bible says in II Cor. 5:17 that we become new creatures and old things pass away and all things become new. When we get saved, we will have a change in our life. If we could get busy telling about people about Jesus, we could literally change the world. The early church did turn the world upside down.

III. The Gospel is for all People.

We should all be working to reach a lost and dying world. Jesus said the world was already white unto harvest. ( John 4:35 ) He looked on the multitudes of lost people with compassion. ( Matt. 9:36-38 )
We see here that (1.) the harvest is plenteous. Souls are everywhere, just go down your street and you will find someone who needs to be saved. (2.) The harvest is precious. Their redemption is precious. ( Ps. 49:6-8 )  (3.) The harvest is perishing, because the laborers are few - who will care for the dying and lost. Who will rescue the perishing?  God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. ( II Pet. 3:9 ) Will you accept Him today? Do you want forgiveness and cleansing from all sin? Don't you want a changed life, aren't you tired of your sin? Trust Jesus Christ today for salvation. Just call upon the Lord now and He will save you! " For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. " Rom. 10:13
Christian, lets get busy telling others about Jesus and His love. Accept the will of God and do your part to get the Gospel to every creature.

God bless,
Pastor Taylor

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